

Project 18 the wellbeing nook is a therapeutic space where clients from all ages and backgrounds can find counselling support with experienced and qualified practitioners. It is a shared space; it is safe, comfortable and welcoming and can found in the heart of Port Adelaide.


Project 18 the wellbeing nook is a therapeutic space where clients from all ages and backgrounds can find counselling support with experienced and qualified practitioners. It is a shared space; it is safe, comfortable and welcoming and can found in the heart of Port Adelaide.



We provide a range of counselling and therapeutic services to a broad range of clients. We aim to support individuals to work through challenges, realise their strengths and maximise their potential.


We provide a specialised consultation service around working with children and young people. We aim to support agencies and organisations to be more inclusive and empowering.


We host and coordinate projects, activities and events. We aim to create opportunities for genuine collaborations that are designed to build connection and a thriving community.


Jodie Evans
Founder & Director, Project 18 the wellbeing nook

Jodie has over 20 years experience working with vulnerable and at-risk children, young people and their families. She knows the importance of creating safe and welcoming environments; places that provide opportunities to connect, engage and be genuinely supported.

Jodie has established Project 18 to provide counselling to children and young people in a space that is friendly, accepting, relaxed, creative and playful.


Jodie Evans
Founder & Director, Project 18 the wellbeing nook

Jodie has over 20 years experience working with vulnerable and at-risk children, young people and their families. She knows the importance of creating safe and welcoming environments; places that provide opportunities to connect, engage and be genuinely supported.

Jodie has established Project 18 to provide counselling to children and young people in a space that is friendly, accepting, relaxed, creative and playful.


Located in the heart of Port Adelaide at 228 St Vincent Street

Project 18 is an inclusive space that is committed to embracing acceptance and diversity, it is a space that welcomes people of all ages, genders, abilities, backgrounds and cultures. By providing a broad selection of supports and services delivered by practitioners from a variety of disciplines it is responding to the changing needs of the community.


Located in the heart of Port Adelaide at 228 St Vincent Street

Project 18 is an inclusive space that is committed to embracing acceptance and diversity, it is a space that welcomes people of all ages, genders, abilities, backgrounds and cultures. By providing a broad selection of supports and services delivered by practitioners from a variety of disciplines it is responding to the changing needs of the community.


Delivered by Belinda Lorek and Jodie Evans.
Consultants. Facilitators. Advocates.

This interactive workshop introduces core skills and a set of practice principles, along with the eight steps to developing a compelling, safe and considered advocacy position.


Delivered by Belinda Lorek and Jodie Evans.
Consultants. Facilitators. Advocates.

This interactive workshop introduces core skills and a set of practice principles, along with the eight steps to developing a compelling, safe and considered advocacy position.

Friday 22nd November was Project 18s 5th Birthday!!The day chosen as the official birthday anyway!  It was 5 years ago on that day that we opened our doors, with the first practitioner and the very first client!Of course there were many milestones leading up to that which could equally have represented our Birthday... finding our first space, signing the first lease, the day we got the keys or the day of the first working bee.But it is the clients that truly make Project 18 what it is so it seems right to choose the day that the very first person walked through the doors!It's been quite the journey!There's so much to celebrate!Project 18 has always been much more than just a space and this little photo montage showcases some of the events, workshops, projects, activities, consultations, celebrations and of course all sorts of client sessions from over the years.We've had some recent changes but with that has come new and exciting opportunities and possibilities!So here we are celebrating what has been achieved so far but very much looking forward to the next chapter... and the next 5 years!#project18port #wellbeingnook #counselling #psychotherapy ##mentalhealthsocialwork #cityofpae
Why are we sharing this – because Project 18 has been CERTFIED (and because it is great recognition for all businesses and organisations around the world that are doing good things!).You heard right - Project 18 has been officially certified as a Social Enterprise!What is a social enterprise?
Described as ‘businesses with heart’, defined as ‘having a primary social, cultural or environmental purpose’, and they work to ‘serve the community and its needs by providing goods/or services to those who are less fortunate’.@socialtraders definition and it’s three parts can be found at: https://www.socialtraders.com.au/Why has Project 18 been certified?
Our Founder, Jodie, does quite a bit of work behind the scenes, a lot of pro bono advocacy and support for children, young people and their families who are falling through the gaps in services and systems.Certification provides recognition of a commitment driven by a passion to ‘do good’, to ‘solve complex problems’ and to help ‘make the world a better place’.“It has been a really interesting process; I have learnt so much about Social Enterprises and the importance of building a community for businesses that are led by purpose. It is something that so many of us just do. I am looking forward to becoming part of a broader community and further embedding social goals and impact indicators into what I do and connecting with others who might be similarly driven”. Jodie Evans, Founder, Project 18.What's today all about?
Social Enterprise Day is part of Global Entrepreneurship Week. It raises awareness about Social Enterprises, it helps address misconceptions and assumptions, it celebrates those that have taught us to see business differently, shown us that ‘regardless of the business model’ you can generate revenue and do meaningful work.Stay tuned for what's next, while that is still being worked out!If you'd like to learn more about Social Enterprises or the Certification process check out @socialtraders_au and the South Australian Social Enterprise Council.#project18port #wellbeingnook #portadelaide #socialenterprise #business4good
Happy International Men’s Day!With a focus on men’s health, improving gender relations, highlighting positive male role models and promoting positive expressions of masculinity it is a good day to celebrate!One of the key objectives of the day is to raise awareness about men’s health and wellbeing. The concerning statistics for men regarding substance dependency, violent deaths, suicide rates and education outcomes continue to underpin the need for advocacy by groups like https://www.amhf.org.au/aboutWe need to do more to support boys to become the best men they can be, to provide positive role models that help them on this journey. To do this we must highlight, celebrate and showcase men doing good things, living good lives, making the world, better, safer, kinder. After all, as Dylan Alcott (a most wonderful role model himself) would say, ‘we cannot be what we cannot see: .https://www.dylanalcottfoundation.com.au/If you’d like to learn more about International Men’s Day, it’s history and what it hopes to achieve check out some of the following:
International Mens Day
https://www.amhf.org.au/know_your_man_facts#project18port #wellbeingnook #portadelaide #internationalmensday
World Kindness Day 2024 💛Yesterday I had a pretty big conversation with a very insightful and compassionate young person. We were talking about how important it is to be polite and respectful, not just to the people we know but generally, in society, to strangers. 💛We talked about how powerful manners can be, that the way we treat other people is important and shouldn’t be underestimated. We agreed that something small can make a big difference in a person’s day and you might not know what that impact could mean to them.💛We both had lots of examples of the small things that we can all do, things that don’t necessarily take time or money or much effort. They aren’t hard or scary or risky in any way.We reflected on the complexity of the human experience and how sometimes we can get lost in all that is hard and wrong with the world, as she pointed out, we can ‘become jaded’ and sometimes that leads people to not bothering with simple things like ‘thank you’ a wave, a ‘have a nice day’. But we agreed we need to bother; we are all human and we are in this together. 💛It led us to talking about the fact that coincidently today is World Kindness Day!So, I made a commitment that today I would try to find something a little more meaningful to share, not just acknowledge the day, it’s history and its importance – queue rabbit hole.I scrolled through lots of possibilities but landed on this little 5-minute video on YouTube, why – because it gave me goosebumps and made me smile:
https://youtu.be/nwAYpLVyeFU?si=VpQF_9AFwJFZwF-rLet’s see if we can swamp our feeds today with as much kindness, positivity, respectful considerations and things to make us smile as possible!Happy World Kindness Day and may the Boomerang come back to you 💛💛💛#worldkindnessday #kindnessmatters #kindnessboomerang
#project18port #wellbeingnook #havingconversationsthatmatter #cityofpae
Some days you just need to walk while you talk!Some days you need to move your body to release emotion.Some days you need the fresh air in your face while you process what it is you are feeling.Some days you need to be in or around nature for a little grounding when things feel tough.Some days you need the chance to observe, notice, discover things that make you feel you are part of something other than what is going on for you right now – a part of a bigger world, with the potential for a different life, the possibility of another way of being.Today was one of those days and for some little adventurers Port Adelaide provides some great walking experiences – so many cool, quirky, unusual and interesting things to discover and consider.The result... curiosity is sparked, fears are faced, opportunities for being brave are presented, talking just happens and feelings are expressed and released.📷 Barnacles (we think that’s what they are - please tell us if you know) along the Port River are very cool!#project18port #wellbeing #nook #counselling #therapy #children #adolescents #youngpeople #mentalhealthsocialwork #cityofpae #portadelaide
Some days are hard.They might be hard for a big reason, because of something seemingly small or for no real reason at all.Rather than trying to shake it off, ignore the feeling, or push through with fierce tenacity (all the things I can relate to) it’s good to firstly check in with ourselves and acknowledge that ‘today feels hard’.So, what can we do on hard days to help get through. anything we want too really, well almost anything.Some of the things that I try to do are quite simple, and small, but when I do them consciously and intentionally, they can help – some examples are:☕ Sitting and sipping my coffee slowly – while doing nothing else.
👣 Go for a walk – or if that feels too much simply don’t, even if I had planned to.
📝 Take something off todays to do list – giving myself permission to not even try to get everything done.
🥰 Reach out to a friend – I might not need a chat, just to connect, perhaps just share a meme or two.
🌜 Have an early night – if you’re a night owl like me this one is especially tricky, but it helps a treat when it does happen!So, some days are hard and that’s ok. By taking the time we need to feel it, and let it pass, with a few helpful strategies in the mix, hopefully the feeling doesn’t last too long.And, if you do find things are feeling hard for longer than you would like, or you’re finding it difficult to find or implement strategies that help it might be a good time to reach out for support.Maybe one of our counsellors can help: https://project18.com.au/practitioners/Or if you feel that you need a more urgent response, someone to talk to now, you might try:
https://kidshelpline.com.au/#project18port📷 Just because my attention is taken by the quirky things.
Feels like home!Sometimes it’s the little things that make somewhere feel like home. There has been plenty of zhooshing here at the new base of Project 18 but today the wall decal went up – does it look familiar?It is very much the same, except for size and name, as we had at Lipson St. So it feels beautifully familiar, a touch of nostalgia in some ways, but also tweaked to suit the new space.Thanks, Signarama Hindmarsh for once again doing a lovely job and responding so well to my quirks – a smidge lower, a touch to the left, no wait let me check from outside the door 😆#project18port #wellbeingnook #feelslikehome #beautifulspace #goodvibes #counselling #therapy #cityofpae
Still Port Adelaide!It's been 5 years since establishing Project 18 and choosing the Port for its base.So much has changed but so much also remains the same.The Port is as vibrant as ever and increasingly so. It's a great place to visit and live. The population continues to grow and the community is rich with diversity.But Project 18 isn't just for locals or those who live nearby. It's easily accessible from the northern, north eastern and central suburbs as well as the surrounding western suburbs.We are now in the very heart of Port Adelaide, surrounded by great coffee, lots of delicious eateries and many other businesses too.There's always plenty to see and do with festivals and galleries and plenty more happening.We have seen some real growth in the wellbeing space in the Port in the last 5 years which is great and we still love connecting and collaborating.There's been some big changes in the last few months but our love for the Port isn't one of them!#project18port #wellbeingnook #cityofpae
It has been three months since sharing that Belinda Lorek and I were being privileged with a very important opportunity.  With all the moving activity we really haven’t shared much along the way, but we have been busy working on this behind the scenes.On behalf of the Commissioner for Children and Young People (CCYP) we have held a series of one-to-one conversations with young people to assist in seeking, hearing and promoting their voices. The purpose of these conversations is to ensure they have a safe and supported process to enable them to contribute to the Royal Commission into Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence in South Australia.With the support of some key stakeholders, other professionals and practitioners, Belinda and I have been able to ensure that the safety and wellbeing of the young people who participated was at the forefront of our considerations from the outset.We are in the process of submitting the stories, the views, feelings, reflections, ideas and recommendations that have been passionately and thoughtfully shared with us in the hope for change.As always, the young people have shown just how insightful they are, they have revealed their resilience, passion and determination as well as their willingness to be vulnerable for the sake of others. We are forever impressed and inspired by them and whole heartedly thank them for honoring us with their trust!It will take time for the final report by CCYP to come out, but we look forward to sharing it once it does.For more information: https://www.royalcommissiondfsv.sa.gov.au/
For support: https://www.1800respect.org.au/
For kids who need to talk: https://kidshelpline.com.au/#project18port #nomoreviolence #keepingkidssafe #YoungVoicesMatter
This World Mental Health Day..I thought I would share a little bit about what being ‘mentally healthy’ means to me. It seems timely after what has been a big few months.As is the theme for this year, connection is one of the things that is most important to me and my mental health. I am a people person; I am also in a people orientated profession. I love having fun with friends, being around my favourite humans and crave quality time with those who are most special to me - you could say that I love hugs and hangs.I also need time to recharge though, which often requires solo time, time for rest but also for doing the things that help ground me or find my ‘Zen’, this includes things like reading, colouring in, or tending to my plants. Getting the balance between these two things can be tricky at times – something I know many can relate to.This recharging is also about me maintaining a connection within, a connection to self. This is also important for good mental health, for me it helps ensure I have the energy to continue to do the things I love but also to enjoy them. It helps me keep sight of my goals, reflect, review and make changes when I need to and of course, listen to my body – something I am still working on.So this mental health day is a great reminder, to check in with ourselves, what is it we need – if it is connection, what type of connection are we wanting, who can support this, do we need to reach out or do we need something different.Jodie Evans, Integrative Practitioner and Founder of Project 18.
If you’d like to read more about World Mental Health Day head to https://worldmentalhealthday.com.au/#project18port #wellbeingnook #worldmentalhealtday2024 #meaningfulconnectionsmatter
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